Coerco Updates

Certified System ISO 9001

Coerco — Reliability in an unpredictable world

September 22, 2020

Coerco Renews ISO9001:2015 Certification!


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We are glad to announce that Coerco has just renewed its ISO 9001:2015 certification. This means that our Quality Management System continues to comply with the requirements for compounding polymers and the manufacture, assembly, and despatch of the poly products in our range.

To help you understand the significance of an ISO 9001 certification, explore the below questions and their answers.

What is the ISO 9001 standard?

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9001 is a well-known international standard that sets out requirements for areas such as quality management systems, manufacturing processes, and services.

The goal is to help businesses be equipped with everything necessary to ensure their products and services exceed expectations for the benefit of customers.

Companies that want to become industry leaders and who are competent in their field aim to be ISO certified.

Every few years, ISO 9001 is reviewed or revised for improvement. For example, ISO 9001:2008 has been revised to become ISO 9001:2015. More on this below.

Why has the standard been revised?

The challenges faced by businesses and organizations in the present day are very different from a few decades ago. This necessitates that the certification undergoes processes to reflect these changes and remain relevant. 

ISO standards are reviewed at least once by governing bodies every five years and revised if needed. Revisions may bring along new requirements and/or different structures or, in some cases, a change of wording to ensure clarity.

This meticulous scrutiny ensures that the standards remain useful tools for companies who want to give the highest value to end-users in the marketplace.

Versions of the ISO 9001 include the 1994, 2000, 2008, and 2015 versions. The 2015 revision (ISO 9001: 2015) is the newest version and was released on September 23, 2015. For three years from this date, the previous certification (ISO 9001: 2008) remained valid alongside ISO 9001:2015 to allow companies time to upgrade to the newest standard. This three-year period ended in September 2018.

All but the 2015 version (ISO 9001: 2015) are now obsolete.

Moreover, the certification expires after 3 years. After this, a company holding current certification has to reapply to ensure it continues to comply with the standards.

What is a major difference between the 2008 and 2015 versions? 

The most important and notable change reflected in ISO 9001:2015 is the emphasis on Risk-Based Thinking, which is an expanded version of the previous version’s (2008) section on Preventive Action and sees risk in a different light.

ISO 9001:2015 defines risk as “the effect of uncertainty on objectives”. Effect is a deviation from predicted objectives (what’s expected), whether that effect is positive or negative.

The role of risk-based thinking is, therefore, all-encompassing. Among other things, it helps members in a company assess risk in any undertaking, be proactive in the prevention of risks, and be alert of opportunities for improvements that might present themselves and evaluate these for effectiveness.

This not only solves problems before they occur but also allows for continual improvement that can only benefit customers, even though they’re not always privy to internal processes that go on behind the scenes.

What benefits does the new version bring? 

The new version of the standard brings the user (company) several benefits.

For example, ISO 9001:2015

  • Puts greater weight on leadership engagement
  • Helps address organizational risks and opportunities in a planned manner
  • Uses simplified language and a common structure and terms, which are particularly helpful to organizations using multiple management systems, such as those for the environment, health & safety, or business continuity
  • Addresses supply chain management more effectively
  • Is more user-friendly for service and knowledge-based organizations

So why are we telling you this?

A company with an ISO 9001:2015 certification, like Coerco, provides great benefits to its customers. This certification means that we have compliant processes in place that help drive efficiency, improve productivity, minimise errors, and maintain high standards. All these help to create consistency in our products and services and ensure you receive the quality product you expect and desire.

In other words, your interests as a valued customer are taken further into consideration and we hold ourselves accountable to them.

Coerco prides itself on its products made from the highest grade materials and now continues to back them up with high-grade systems behind the scenes.

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